Video : Robert Rich - Dark Ambient Spaces
A little look into the world of ambient music guru Robert Rich. Stalker and Somnium are perhaps his most well known works however Robert has had a lengthy career in ambient music. Download the video below to see what he has been up to recently. His tunes have had an influence on a number of psychill, and ambient chillout producers. I'll have to looki into getting more Robert Rich into some mp3 ambient mix in the future.
Although his music is often consigned to the new age bins of record stores and the bulk of his work has been released on labels more closely associated with that classification, Robert Rich's solo and collaborative recordings have proven extremely influential on a range of new school dark ambient and experimental artists. Although barely into his 30s, Rich's association with earlier space-music pioneers such as Steve Roach ( another personal favorite ), Kevin Braheny, and Michael Stearns also makes him one of the few of that generation to have interfaced creatively with the new wave of experimental electronic composers.

Rich's performance of several all-night "sleep concerts" during this period also helped solidify an aesthetic focus on psychoacoustics, perceptible in early recordings such as Geometry and Trances / Drones.
Rich's more mature works such as Rainforest and Propagation have sought to combine that interest with more recognizable electro-acoustical elements (Rich plays a wide range of instruments, from synths and effects racks to hand drums and flute), but the influence of digital sound manipulation has also moved increasingly to the fore.
Inspired by the more textural works of artists like SPK and Throbbing Gristle, Rich's interest in the edgier aspects of electronic music has also built him a reputation among fans of gothic, industrial, and dark ambient, made most apparent by his work in 1995 with Brian Williams of Lustmord. In addition to his more ambient-leaning works, Rich also plays in the experimental pop band Amoeba.
Robert Rich is also a scholar of Just Intonation, writing regularly on the topic and co-authoring the software program JICalc. -
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