Ambient Horizons - PsyAmb 84
I've received a few requests for some more laid back beatless ambient mixes lately. So without further ado, I'm pleased to present episode 84 - a journey into deep pulsing drones and ethereal ambiance. I've tried as much as possible to keep this mix in a very relaxing mode without getting too dark or experimental. I find it's quite a good one for chilling out - as background music for reading, writing, drawing or studying.
We begin with a track from New Zealand's Rudy Adrian, a professional sound engineer and musician who has a large catalog of ambient work available from his website. Rudy is based in the south island in the city of Dunedin. I happened to work there for a number of months many years ago. It's a great little city surrounded by beautiful nature. It's easy to see where Rudy gets his inspiration from. This track comes from the album Atmospheres released in 2014.
Another great album full of ambient brilliance that I picked up recently is the new Alpha Wave Movement ( Gregory Kyryluk ) release, Earthen. It's been close to 20 years now that I've been listening to AWM's music and this new album is one of his best. Check it out for some excellent long deep space ambient flights of the imagination.
After AWM is PsyAmb regular Astropilot with another great tune from his Solar Walk 3 album. Astropilot recently mentioned that work is progressing on a fourth album in the Solar Walk series of beatless ambient music ! Yum yum !
We then go back to 2005 for a track from Don Peyote and Rezin ( aka DJ Naasko of Interchill Records ) for a track from the album Dreamcatcher. After that we continue to wind back the years to 1994 and an album that captured my imagination like none other - Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works Vol II.
Let's not dwell on the past too much though or this mix will be 10 hours long. Up next is High Skies with the track "The World Forgotten" which is now a pay what you want download on Bandcamp. High Skies is the work of ambient producer Mat Jarvis. Mat is best known as the man behind the legendary Gas moniker. It's easy to get Mat confused with German ambient/electronica producer Wolfgang Voight who also goes by the name Gas. The thing to look out for is Mat's awesome album Gas005 from back in 2005.
Firmly planted in the preset is Lab's Cloud ( Raul Jordan ). His latest album "Imminent Awakening" featured heavily on many "best album" lists of 2014. From it I have plucked the hauntingly beautiful track Horizontal Bodies. You can grab the album from the the Altar Records bandcamp site. Altar records show no sign of slowing down with a number of classy looking releases scheduled for Nov/Dec this year including new Asura and a new psychill compilation called "Fall", featuring many of the labels top producers.
J.D Emmanuel is an artist who seeks out the mysteries of the metaphysical though musical expression. He produces new age-esque music for meditation and reflection. He released a number of influencition synth based albums in the 80sYou can find his track "Ethereal Visions" on the album "Inter-Dimensional Time Traveling" via his bandcamp site.
After J.D we get into deep ambient territories with Chronotope Project ( Jeffrey Ericson Allen ) . Jefferey has an extensive and eclectic background in classical, new acoustic and theatrical music production. His contemplative art music has been featured on distinguished and nationally-syndicated radio programs including Hearts of Space, Echoes, Galactic Travels, Ultima Thule and Star's End. Check out his latest release, the beautiful "Dawn Treader" on Spotted Peccary Music.
A couple of artists making the PsyAmb debut next with Argentinian Leandro Fresco and Nacht Plank. I don't know much about Leandro as this tune was taken from a compilation, "Pop Ambient 2015" on Kompakt Records. The Pop Ambient series is well worth checking out, like most stuff on Kompakt. Nacht Plank ( Lee Anothony Norris ) has a number of albums on offer under various guises and this one, Echo Arc, is one of his best. I've gone for the track "
Aveyron Vale" this time. It's a beautiful tune that will melt your bones with it's warmth and melancholic passages.
Aveyron Vale" this time. It's a beautiful tune that will melt your bones with it's warmth and melancholic passages.
Musician and visual artist Evan Bartholomew aka Bluetech is well known for his glitchy take on psydub that he pioneered back in the early 2000's. Occasionally he steps out from behind the Bluetech mask and releases wonderful ambient music under his full name. Our next track comes from his 2008 album "Secret Entries Into Darkness".
Following on we have a track from one of my old favorite albums "Music For A Busy Head" by Matt Coldrick. Matt has featured on quite a number of past episodes of this podcast under various guises including Pan Electric, Green Nuns Of the Revolution ( On Ice ) and Tuufan. I haven't heard much from him of late. I wonder if we will ever see more magic from this brilliant producer someday ?
We finish this mix with a track from Lithuania's Chandanam ( Adomas Šimkūnas) off his well received 2011 album "Whispers Of The Silent Colors". Adomas released a follow up album earlier this year which you can download for free via the Leaves Netlabel site.
Happy drifting !
Cheers ...
Track / Artist
- 01. The Temple On An Island - Rudy Adrian
- 02. Forest - Alpha Wave Movement
- 03. Farscape - Astropilot
- 04. Part Five - Don Peyote and Naasko
- 05. Blue Calx - Aphex Twin
- 06. The World Forgotten - High Skies
- 07. Horizontal Bodies - Lab's Cloud
- 08. Ethereal Visions - J D Emmanuel
- 09. Ocean of Subtle Flames - Chronotope Project
- 10. Nada Es Para Siempre - Leandro Fresco
- 11. Aveyron Vale - Nacht Plank
- 12. Where Forgotten Days Slumber - Evan Bartholomew
- 13. Throat blue unity - Matt Coldrick
- 14. Rains And Hills - Chandanam
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i really enjoy deep laid back mixes ...i know i'll like it
So good. Thank you.
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