PsyBreaks Download - PsyAmb 48
I've been listening to quite a bit of psybreak ( psychedelic breakbeat ) music of late so I thought it might be fun to make a mix of psybreaks for you all. I listened to psybreaks back in 1996-98 when psybreaks were kind of a new thing I guess and the genre experienced a brief period of popularity. It seems to be coming back again but with a harder, twistier sound that I'm also quite enjoying. So here is a mix that incorporates some of the newer sounds I've been listening to over the last few years.
This mix isn't purely breaks however - it starts out with some nice psybient tunes for the first 30 minutes or so. It gradually builds up into a stomping breaks set for the last hour. I'm not sure if I'll do too many breaks mixes as it might be a bit too loud and energetic for the music I usually post here. Still, it was a fun diversion and I think some of you guys might get a a kick out it.

TV and movie soundtracks, stage audio and production work are just some of the areas where Adham finds an outlet for his endless musical talents. This opening track comes from the remix project CD "Refractions" which is now available for purchase through Adham's website.