How To Volunteer For Psychedelic Research

With the increasing acceptance of psychedelic research these days, companies and organizations are looking for more and more volunteers to assist in their tests and programs. Before you sign-up for what you might imagine to be a free trip in the name of science it would be wise to review exactly what these groups have on offer. 

Here I have compiled a handful of some of the leading groups that offer the public a chance to get involved with psychedelic science as either volunteers for psychedelic drug testing or on the less trippy side of things - office work. 


The most impressive organization in this field would have to be MAPS ( Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies ). MAPS is an independent organization that survives on being totally funded by public donations - some of which can be as large as several hundred thousand dollars. 

A totally professional and highly respected group, MAPS advertises for volunteer positions at other organizations and hospitals as well as its own in house psychedelic testing programs. 

It provides a wealth of information regarding the use of psychedelics for overcoming issues related to addiction, stress, mental illness and more. It is also a highly regarded resource for freely available, unbiased information related to both the risks and benefits of the use of psychedelic.

To read more about what research and volunteers opportunists are available through MAPS click the below link

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With a 100 year history of psychiatric and behavior science research behind it, John Hopkins Medicine is one of the leading providers of patient care, teaching and research in these fields. JHM clinical research has provided some major breakthroughs and understandings in the fields of bioinformatics, genetics, neuroscience and molecular biology.

In the past,  research volunteer programs have offered a chance for people to partake in trials related to marijuana, MDMA , LSD, DMT and psychedelic mushrooms. Such research typically related to addiction. Current programs on offer are a limited to marijuana trials but you can keep an eye on the volunteer page ( listed below ) to see what other opportunities open up in the future.

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For an example of the kind of psychedelic research done by JHM you can view a report from 2006 in which they researched mystical experiences related to psilocybin use ( magic mushrooms ) here :

Here is another report about psilocybin and patient levels of openness and empathy:


The Heffter Research Institute was founded in New Mexico in 1993 with the non-profit goal of developing knowledge and standards of practice related to the use of psychedelics in a medical context. 

Their research builds on the basic knowledge of psychedelics and expands it into new fields of neuroscience, medicine, religion and cultural practices. Perhaps their most important work is in conducting clinical research studies to investigate potential therapeutic applications of classical psychedelics.

The board of directors includes some of the world's leading psychedelic researchers in the fields of MDMA, DMT, Psliocybin and Marajuana.

Current ongoing research is focusing on the use of psilocybin in the treatment of cancer, alcoholism and obsessive compulsive disorder.

For more info including some great free PDF reviews ( click on HRI review ) of past research follow this link :

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 The Beckly Foundation was formed by a group of psychedelic research luminaries including Dr Albert Hoffman no-less ! It runs as a charity in the UK and is devoted to explore applications of psychedelics through rigorously controlled scientific investigation as well as promoting drug reform policices related to psychedelic compounds. 

Within the scientific research arm their main aim is to increase understanding of brain function and consciousness. It is closely tied to Imperial College, London where you can find Professor David Nutt - a leader in sensible drug policy in the UK. 

Their website is a little short on information regarding how members of the public can apply for volunteering in present and future studies. I would recommend dropping them an email through their contact form ( in the nicest, professional way ) and see if you get on board that way.

More Info :

OPEN FOUNDATION ( Netherlands )

The Open Foundation is based in the Netherlands and much like MAPS is a non-profit group dedicated to psychedelic research especially in the fields of neurological response and activity while using psychedelics. 

Despite being a country known for its more liberal approach to drugs policy, The Netherlands has surprisings few psychedelic research organizations. So its great to see these guys shining the light for rational scientific methods. 

One thing that I really like about Open is its large collection of videos and recordings of lectures related to the past, present and future of psychedelics in society ( both ancient and modern ). 

The majority of Open's work is concerned with lecturing and sharing information. As such actual volunteer positions are limited however they occasionally have positions for people with video editing skills, presentation skills and the like. So if you prefer the more technical side of volunteer work within a psychedelic science scenario - they might be able to help you out.

More Info:

PRISM - ( Australia )

PRISM is a rather newish organization, formed in 2011 as a non-profit association that investigates the role of psychedelics as potential healing medicines. 

It is currently working in collaboration with MAPS in  MDMA-PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ) research. It's research is based in Australia with volunteer subjects recruited locally. Currently it is working on MDMA assisted therapy for PTSDs in war veterans. 

More Info :

I am keen to grow this list out to include any other top research groups that offer the public a chance to get involved. So if you know of any more groups then please add a comment below with a relevant link. 

A number of the sites mentioned above have links to plenty of wonderful articles, books and past research results. It would be prudent read up on what has gone on in past research by these groups so you can best prepare yourself with relevant questions and answers should you get a opportunity to volunteer. 


  1. This isn't right .

  2. Don't forget about MAPS Canada

  3. LSD use and research should increase.It has been persecuted and made to look ridiculous by biased media, religions, and the like.

  4. I agree totally with Stevehatter Field.Time for society to reflect on it's collective shadow and to dare to see what is in this realm ... rather than fear, ignorance, paranoia and agenda.

  5. Australia wake up we want to be healed not get a band aid get on to research the people have been healing people yes healing people for thousands of years

  6. Former drug addict, 10 years clean, now am fascinated with cognitive behaviors and biology or inner workings of the brain - totally intoxicating and my only passion. Read countless books, I can't get enough,to contribute to the enlightenment of consciousness through psychedelics is a dream of mine,to volunteer is a no brainer;probably shouldn't say that, nevertheless, I'll be applying - pick me please, I have nothing to do in the near future

  7. I would like to volunteer for DMT human trail research..7692043202

    1. I'm a intuitive empath and would love to valunteer

    2. I'm a intuitive empath and would love to take part in this trail.We can learn so much from this. I would love to help

  8. I would also like to volunteer for DMT human trial research or for more specific information on who to contact or where to apply. 8136146748

  9. I would like to volunteer for lsd

  10. Lucas Murphy21 January, 2017

    How do you volunteer? It cant be as simple as leaving a comment? Where do you sign up? I believe this is the most important research that we as humans can be pursuing.

  11. Comment, interested, email me thanks

  12. Doing my own trials and research , can't get better , more honest insight from anyone else . 1st hand experience and direct action. .

  13. Are there any places for dmt volunteers in or around Pennsylvania in the U.S.?

  14. I would like to take part in DMT human trial research. Please give me more information

  15. Sign me up for psilocybin research. Contact me through Google.

  16. I am suffering with OCD and I just had cancer removed from my throat. I would like to know more about anything that can fix me. I am really fed up with OCD impulses. If this will help me, I am ready.


  17. Journal of Clinical Trials & Research is an international peer reviewed scholarly journal whose primary aim is to dissemination and development of knowledge on all aspects of clinical trial design, management.Clinical Trials & Research

  18. If you actually read the article you'll see that there are links to the groups that implement these studies. Click them and put in a little leg work. Easy enough.

  19. At age of 51 diagnosed with ADD, 97th percentile intelligence, 97th percentile ADD. Over the last 2 years have undergone multiple Rx trials only to have them work for a sweet few weeks before burning out. What if DMT could restore cognitive
    recall? Is it possible to recover completely from this obnoxious ennui?

  20. Incredibly interested in volunteering to take DMT for study! I'm an artist so I would like to paint and draw my experiences for study as well!

  21. How can I sign up for a study? Should I approach each organization and see if they are looking for volunteers?

  22. i would be very interested in these types of trials.due to the fact that i was diagnosed with depression.and as not educated in this field i can remember always having very very good highs on halucinogenics whether it was acid,mesculine,mushrooms,you name it. always tremendous laughter.and just outright happy never had a bad trip in my life. i am 58 and in good health besides being diagnosed with depression.i do not want to be on these antidepressants for ever. and it is really really hard to come off them.i do not know what the doctors are looking for as far as people to help with clinical trials but i feel i would be a good to excellent candidate with knowledge and for thought.i also take modafinil for sleep apnea. and find this to also be a fascinating mind drug.hope this helps thank you for your time

  23. I am a 19 year old college student in great shape who received a traumatic brain injury in 2014. I had struggled with severe depression, ADD, insomnia, and constant mood swings as a result. I have done my own research and experiments with psychedelic and believe they may have significantly improved all of the above in a positive manner(some still present). However, psychedelics do not effect me in the same ways others have experienced. I'm looking to help advance the knowledge of psychedelic effects on the brain by offering my abnormality to research.
