Renegade / Blueberry DMT animation

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Here is a little clip from Jan Kounen's film Renegade ( a.k.a Blueberry) 2004. The movie itself is not bad - I enjoyed it despite it's poor reception by the media on release. Anyway this little scene is mind bogglingly brilliant. The author of this video has labeled it as a DMT / Ayahuasca trip but I'm not so sure on that - seems like a mixed brew of various psychedelics. It's nice to play along with a bit of your own favorite psychedelic ambient music in the background.

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  1. i love this film! this scene totally blows me away every time i see it. the sound design in this scene is amazing, ive tried to find the soundtrack but it seems like its not available anywhere..
    i dont know if you know it or not, but the director of the film has indeed done extensive work with ayahuasca, having spent several months in the amazon rain forest, and this scene was definitely based on that. in fact, i heard the guy who plays shaman character in Blueberry is a real Shipibo ayahuascaro! Jan Kounen also did a documentary about ayahuasca shamanism, which you can watch for free here:

  2. Blueberry aka Renegade. Love it!!!

  3. Anonymous13 July, 2011

    I'm sorry to shatter your illusions Travis but the guy that plays the shaman in this preview is a well known actor in Australia and New Zealand, he is Maori not Shipibo. I have not seen the film but have heard about it thru the Ayahuasca community. I look forward to seeing soon.
